2012 Orthopedic Nursing Symposium
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We had an amazing turn out this year at our 2012 Orthopedic Nursing Symposium. Attendees were able to gain in-depth insight into cutting edge musculoskeletal issues.
The sold out event was directed by Marisa R. Swain, M.S.N., R.N.-B.C., O.N.C., C.N.S. – a Clinical Nurse Specialist at HOI and VP of the Orange County Chapter of the National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses (NAON).
The event featured wonderful guest speakers including:
- Steven L. Barnett, M.D.
- James T. Caillouette, M.D.
- Philip Chiou, M.D.
- Scott P. Fischer, M.D.
- Klane Hales, M.D.
- Michael L. Gordon, M.D.
- Carol V. Harvey, M.S.N., R.N., A.C.N.S.-B.C., O.N.C.
Our 4th annual event was co-sponsored by Hoag Orth
opedic Institute and the OC Chapter of NAON.